Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sex and Marketing


“SEX” is a topic which is not discussed openly. Kenny Mokhele defined it as “an emotional state of affection which two or more human beings or animals engage into for internal and external satisfaction”
Satisfaction of practicing “marketing” is relying on achieving organizational objectives and most of the time its “profit”.
When you analyze the term “sex” carefully there are few things we can learn from it and apply for the success of marketing.

It’s about quality and not quality:
Some companies take a quantitative approach to marketing. When sales are down, they do MORE of what they’re doing instead of doing it BETTER. If what you’re doing isn’t working, doing more of it isn’t likely to fix the problem.

Pay attention:
Great lovers and smart marketing/sales officers do one thing very well. They ask their lovers/customers questions. “Is this what you want?”, “How can I do better?” Do you talk to your customers and ask these questions? Do you ask them why they decided to go with you instead of your competitor? Do you ask those people who did go with your competitors why they chose them? Ask relevant questions as much as possible and make sure you are delivering what your customer wants.

Experiment and Adjust:
Most companies choose their marketing tactics based on “what everyone else is doing” or “because I thought it would be a great idea.” Some companies don’t try new things because they don’t know whether it’s going to work. Best thing is, “test small, measure results, get rid of what doesn’t work and do more of what works. Doing unnecessary things will make your effort boring. Don’t be afraid to experiment and select the best.

You need to warm them up first:
You wouldn’t approach a complete stranger with this opening line, “hi, how are you? Do you want to have sex?” In business, however, this is what a lot of companies do. Some may say “Welcome to our website. Buy now!” Take the time to build trust in you. Show people how you’ve help others just like them. Show them testimonials, case studies and a list of you current clients. Ask for their contact information and give them something of value.  They’re going to buy whenever they are ready. Show them that you are trustworthy and credible. Remember, it’s a long process till you build confidence in each other’s mind before asking “would you buy my product?”

How you finish is as important as how you start:
You don’t finish sex and tell your partner “OK, that’s nice. Now you can go home” that is exactly what some companies do to their customers. They never call them to find out how happy they are with their purchase and if there’s something else they can do for them. This is a perfect moment to stand out and build and even stronger relationship with your customers. And remember, selling to existing customers is a lot easier than selling to someone who never bought anything from you. Also it will be costlier and challenging to approach new customers. Always better to keep what you have and protect them.

Keep in mind. Success of the both these concepts are important your life.

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