Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Reach Your The Pot Of Gold


Everyone has the in-born talent of the ability to reach that of pot of gold, to open the doors to the castle, to the kingdom, to the realm of your dreams. Unfortunately we have been, unconsciously, pigeon hold by various forces around us in to preconceived places and given the idea the gold is only for the privilege and not for us! If you are willing to go with this idea that you are second rate, then you will never realize your full potential or the keys to your kingdom! Now you will say I agree, OK, but how to get to that all imported pot? Take the saying ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ by its horns and try a couple of ways to get there. Try following ideas for size!

Courage/Self belief
Without courage you are fight to reach your goal is as good as lost even before it has started! You must have the courage to give up and walk away from stability, where everything is smooth and assured, without a second thought of the risk you are taking. When it seems failure is inevitable it takes a huge amount of courage to keep going on and on until you get what you want. When the world around you doubts that you will reach that goal, when everyone doubts you will ever get there, it really takes what it takes to stick to your guns to see your efforts bear fruit. 

Higher the risk, higher the reward they say. [I don’t know how they mean!!!] Risk and reward seem to be inter-depended and inter-twined. Don’t hold back on something that your inner most feelings tell you to go ahead and do. Take the gamble and see how the chips fall. Of course we are not talking of hair-brained schemes here but about well thought out plans. If you fail, you will land and improve so that next time you know you will not fail. Today crossing the road is such a risk that what you venture to do seem like pretty sure bet!!

Your greatest strength
You must realize what your greatest strength is. This is mandatory for you to reach your goal. Only the people closest to you will know what your greatest asset is. It could bet asset is. It could be your PR or your computing ability or your drawing skills or your writing talent or your good at making speeches!! Once you realize what your greatest strength is then when you utilize this quality, it will be effortless for you because you are doing what comes naturally to you. So asked the people closest to you, people you trust and learn what your greatest strength is and utilize it to the maximum.
So finally, I think, everyone deserves to have the key to his or her kingdom. It only a matter of knowing how to reach that goal or how to obtain those keys to your kingdom that seems to be the problem. Give a thought to the ideas we have thrown at you. See how relevant they are to you. With a little help from your friends, I’m sure you will find your keys!  

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