Thursday, January 13, 2011

Job You Would Love To Have


The ancient Greek philosopher Plato had a wonderful theory; he thought every human was born with four hands and four feet and Zeus, the king of Greek gods taking fright, split every human in half. Now everyone is supposedly looking for his other half! (Ever wonder how the tern better half arose!!)

Nowadays when we hear the term soul mate, we take it to mean someone who has similar tastes, likes and dislikes. If one can have a soul mate, why can’t I have a good job? A job I would love to go to every day, 365 days of the year! I would have my off days, granted but notwithstanding. I’d still love to go to work because it gives me such a lift, a sense of accomplishment. Everyday I’d go home feeling that I have done a good day’s work. Next morning too I’d come to office with a jaunty step to my best. May be my job is not the highest paying job in town but the gratification and the sense of fulfillment, the job satisfaction will be hard to beat. The ideal soul job would be the one that satisfy us financially, while giving us job satisfaction and emotional and intellectual gratification.

Look at the list we give below and see if you agree that we say about how to find that soul job you are looking for.
find a job you would enjoy doing, even under the harshest conditions, for example firemen go to do their rescue act knowing full well that death is lurking at every corner, waiting for them to make the slightest error in judgment. But still they go out every time. They understand the danger, the treat but still they are there when the roll-call sounds. Because that is what they want to do, what they yearn to do, not because they have to do a job. As you know most firemen work on voluntary basis. It is in them, in their blood, so to speak.

Explore the job-areas you never thought of. If you are working as a bank clerk or a chemist, or whatever that you are not too enamored with, why don’t you go ahead and become a doctor that you really wanted to be in the first place? May be it is easier said than done but you have to start somewhere to get somewhere. You have to consider the time, the money and the effort it entails but don’t you think it’s worth it? Don’t you think you deserve it?
Now that you have decided what you really want to be, you have to find out how to get about it. What additional qualifications are needed, where to get that qualification, how long it will take, how much it will cost, etc? These are some of the things that you have to deal with and find answers. May be you have friends who are doing the job you are planning to do and perhaps they will be able advise you on how to get about. But be realistic regarding the time factor. You will not become a doctor or an engineer overnight. But then the satisfaction on reaching your goal will be that much greater.
Look for alternative placement at your current work place. Check with your personnel department and find out whether additional qualifications are required for what you are looking for and if yes, refer back to what we suggested in the previous paragraph regarding additional qualifications. This will be an ongoing operation as you will have to keep on checking regularly for openings in your office cadre.
As you know some people spend a life time looking for their soul-mates without success. So find your soul-job may not be a cakewalk. Be ambitious, be persistent and above all, be open-minded. Then your one half will have what it takes to find that soul-job so that you will become whole!!

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