Monday, January 31, 2011

First Crush Ever Lasting

One of my good old friends rushed to my office last week. He was in a very excited mood and was trying to explain me something. We knew he was so interested about a girl when we were doing our O/Ls. The reason for him to get so excited was he met that girl accidentally almost after 15 years. After revealing that incident I realized that even after 15 years he is still so fascinated about that girl. I was interested to know why he was thrilled about meeting this girl and compelled to ask that question from him.
He said “apart from all emotional feelings I have in my mind, she was my very first crush. How can I forget the girl who impressed me for the very first time in my life?” 

Though his answer is purely love, I could extract a great insight for marketers from it.
That is the power of “first impressions”.

In realty first crush has a lot of similarities in comparison with first impression of a customer. Similarly to a girl creating a lasting impression in once mind, marketers should create the same in customers mind. The marketer who manages to create the most memorable impression would be the winner.

Often marketers invest a lot in improving the product or creating a great value to the customer. But customers are human beings and their actions are bound with emotions. While you invest on the product and service improvements it would be vital to the master the art of creating strong first impression in the customers mind. Sometimes you may spend a lot in improving the standards of the customer interface. But a strong first impression should have been created in clients mind long before customers meet you or the official representatives of the company.

Let’s assume a customer goes to a bank to receive their services. If you think that the teller officer is the person who should impress you by creating first impression, you are terribly wrong. What about the security guard at the front door or the person who is handling vehicles at the parking area? If one of these two gives the customer a bad service he is negative long before meeting the teller officer. Similarly the politeness of the security personal at the entrance or kind treatment received at the parking bay make create a lasting impression in once mind about the organization he is working in.

Whether it’s love or marketing principles remains same. First impression counts and what it creates will drive the behavior of the customer for the rest of your relationship with him/her.

First crush is immortal and ever lasting. If you failed to create a strong first impression in your customers mind obviously you are mortal as a marketer.

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