Friday, February 4, 2011

Learn How to Say No


We live in a world that has been shrunk to global village by fast travel, telecommunication such as fax, email, mobile phone and above all, World Wide Web. Consequently, the choices and opportunities that are on offer are enormous. Being human, we are very much in the danger of wanting it all.

Unfortunately, being human, we cannot have it all! The opportunities are getting more and more by the day. If you do not know how to say no to the choices and opportunities that crave for your attention, you will be spending your life wondering if you have made the correct decision, isn’t the grass greener on the other side! You have to learn to make the correct decision after evaluating all these choices and opportunities so that you will be confident and happy in the decision you take and be free in your mind without any regrets or second thoughts.

How to know when to say No! 
Make your decision without looking for old guidelines and rules.
*Almost all the rules we used to know regarding how to be successful have been broken. If you did follow those rules, you will be nothing special to be noticed and will most probably be over-looked. Be special, unique, offering something special so that you will stand-out from the crowd and be noticed. Then you will be able to demand and get your own work style and life style.

Make your decision without Fear  
**When we are stressed and afraid, we make poor decisions. Think hard and discover what your inner most fears of making a certain decision are. Write these fears down on a piece of paper so that you will able to look at your biggest fear squarely in the eye. Ask if what you fear most could really happen and if so what would be the consequences. Are the assumptions that brought out the fears in you regarding the decision really true? When you start thinking about your fears you will feel the grip those fears had on you lessening.
Then you will be able to write down the good things your decision can bring to you.

Make your decision being aware of your full Potential
***Make your decisions knowing your strengths, competence and potential.

·         What competence do I already have to serve me in a situation?
·         What are the most difficult things/situations my life that I have overcome?
·         What resources did I use overcome these obstacles?
·         Who else has overcome such situation?
·         What resources did they use to get over the problem?
·         What do I already have that will enable me to access resources I will need to get over situations such as those?

Make your decision knowing what is important in life to you
****When making a decision, be clear in your mind what is important to you in life that will be directly affected by that decision you are going to make. Write them down in order of importance. Knowing how your decision is going to affected the things you love in life will go a long way in calming you mind after you make the decision.

Make your decision allowing your instinct some leeway  
*****Your body reacts when a difficult decision is forced upon you, Like the Lie-Detector, you will be able to realize that this decision is not agreeable to you. Listen to your body which actually is your instinct. You will know the difference when you make a correct or a “comfortable” decision because you will feel very relaxed and be free of any apprehensions.

Pros & Cons
In the good old days you wrote down the pros and cons of situation, without any allowances of creative margins, “feel good” options. Without your conscious knowledge, your mind has stored a great deal of information and data that your brain makes use of when you listen to your “instincts or intuition”. This way you are making use of your whole mind to make that decision. Give it a try. You will feel good.

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